
HERWESEPT Schnelldesinfektion

For the effective disinfection of inventory and surfaces of all kinds

Herwesept quick disinfectant is a ready-to-use quick disinfectant, for effective and fast disinfection of inventory containing alcohol, hard-to-reach areas and surfaces of all kinds:

  • Not yet available in the USA
  • Can be used immediately, fast working
  • Residue-free, no film formation after application
  • Free from perfume, dye, aldehyde
  • Particularly also suitable for people with allergies and those with sensitive skin
  • Ideal for the food industry and large kitchens


Spray surfaces and objects with Herwesept quick disinfectant from at least 30 cm away, until completely moistened, then if necessary, wipe off with disposable cloth after the reaction time has elapsed. To avoid severe contamination of the ambient air by alcohol, spray Herwesept quick disinfectant into a disposable cloth, and wipe the surfaces when appropriately moistened. Then allow surfaces to dry fully.


100 g solution contains the following active ingredient: 45 g ethanol.

Use disinfectants safely. Read labelling and product information before use. Adhere to safety information. Corresponds to the requirements of the EU biocide product regulation.
BAuA Reg.-No. N-59655; N-60816.


Herwesept quick disinfectant has the following effects


  • 12 x 1000 ml club bottle
    12 x 1000 ml club bottle
    (Item no.: 131538
    past Item no.: 12920